Physical Review E – November 1997
Volume 56, Issue 5


General methods of statistical physics

See Also: Erratum
Anomalous scaling in the Bak-Chen-Tang forest fire model
Hans-Martin Bröker and Peter Grassberger
pp. R4918-R4921 [View PDF (97 kB)]
Specific heat anomalies associated with Cantor-set energy spectra
Constantino Tsallis, Luciano R. da Silva, Renio S. Mendes, Raúl O. Vallejos, and Ananias M. Mariz
pp. R4922-R4925 [View PDF (126 kB)]

Classical fluids

Derivation of amplitude equations by the renormalization group method
Ken-ichi Matsuba and Kazuhiro Nozaki
pp. R4926-R4927 [View PDF (81 kB)]
Transverse structure functions in high-Reynolds-number turbulence
Brindesh Dhruva, Yoshiyuki Tsuji, and Katepalli R. Sreenivasan
pp. R4928-R4930 [View PDF (94 kB)]
Complete and exact solutions of a class of nonlinear diffusion equations and problem of velocity selection
X. Y. Wang, S. Fan, and T. Kyu
pp. R4931-R4934 [View PDF (111 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Chiral symmetry breaking in three-dimensional smectic-C liquid-crystal domains
P. A. Pramod, Yashodhan Hatwalne, and N. V. Madhusudana
pp. R4935-R4938 [View PDF (395 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Effects of electric charges on hydrophobic forces
D. Bulone, V. Martorana, P. L. San Biagio, and M. B. Palma-Vittorelli
pp. R4939-R4942 [View PDF (86 kB)]
Finite thermal conductivity at the vapor-liquid critical line of a binary fluid mixture
E. P. Sakonidou, H. R. van den Berg, C. A. ten Seldam, and J. V. Sengers
pp. R4943-R4946 [View PDF (73 kB)]

Plasma physics

Effect of electron-ion equilibration on optical emission from a shock wave
G. Chiu, A. Ng, and A. Forsman
pp. R4947-R4950 [View PDF (94 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Enhanced power breathing soliton in communication systems with dispersion management
Elena G. Shapiro and Sergei K. Turitsyn
pp. R4951-R4954 [View PDF (104 kB)]
Phonon scattering by localized equilibria of nonlinear nearest-neighbor chains
S. Kim, C. Baesens, and R. S. MacKay
pp. R4955-R4958 [View PDF (101 kB)]
Symmetry-breaking instabilities of spatial parametric solitons
Alfredo De Rossi, Stefano Trillo, Alexander V. Buryak, and Yuri S. Kivshar
pp. R4959-R4962 [View PDF (165 kB)]
Rapid relaxation in a one-dimensional gravitating system
V. Paige Youngkins and Bruce N. Miller
pp. R4963-R4966 [View PDF (92 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Nonexponential relaxation in fully frustrated models
Annalisa Fierro, Antonio de Candia, and Antonio Coniglio
pp. 4990-4997 [View PDF (146 kB)]
n-tree approximation for the largest Lyapunov exponent of a coupled-map lattice
F. Cecconi and A. Politi
pp. 4998-5003 [View PDF (142 kB)]
Transport properties of a two-dimensional “chiral” persistent random walk
H. Larralde
pp. 5004-5008 [View PDF (138 kB)]
Coexisting two-phase flow in correlated two-dimensional percolation
D. D. Nolte and L. J. Pyrak-Nolte
pp. 5009-5012 [View PDF (76 kB)]
Critical discussion of the two-loop calculations for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation
Kay Jörg Wiese
pp. 5013-5017 [View PDF (118 kB)]
Equilibrium free-energy differences from nonequilibrium measurements: A master-equation approach
C. Jarzynski
pp. 5018-5035 [View PDF (315 kB)]
Ordering process and Bloch wall dynamics in a two-dimensional anisotropic spin system
Hiroki Tutu
pp. 5036-5043 [View PDF (1,176 kB)]
Bohr billiard: Decay in the chaotic Hamiltonian system with two integrals of motion
P. V. Elyutin and B. V. Pavlov-Verevkin
pp. 5044-5050 [View PDF (169 kB)]
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman theory of dissipative thermal availability
Stanislaw Sieniutycz
pp. 5051-5064 [View PDF (249 kB)]
Anisotropic dynamical scaling in a spin model with competing interactions
E. N. M. Cirillo, G. Gonnella, and S. Stramaglia
pp. 5065-5068 [View PDF (238 kB)]
Hyperchaos in the generalized Rössler system
Th. Meyer, M. J. Bünner, A. Kittel, and J. Parisi
pp. 5069-5082 [View PDF (706 kB)]
Recovery of the time-evolution equation of time-delay systems from time series
M. J. Bünner, Th. Meyer, A. Kittel, and J. Parisi
pp. 5083-5089 [View PDF (146 kB)]
Volume-preserving and volume-expanding synchronized chaotic systems
Louis M. Pecora, Thomas L. Carroll, Gregg Johnson, and Doug Mar
pp. 5090-5100 [View PDF (316 kB)]
Survival probability and field theory in systems with absorbing states
M. A. Muñoz, G. Grinstein, and Yuhai Tu
pp. 5101-5105 [View PDF (134 kB)]
Chaos properties and localization in Lorentz lattice gases
C. Appert and M. H. Ernst
pp. 5106-5122 [View PDF (326 kB)]
Simple procedure for correcting equations of evolution: Application to Markov processes
Gregory Ryskin
pp. 5123-5127 [View PDF (137 kB)]
Monte Carlo entropic sampling for the study of metastable states and relaxation paths
Isidor Shteto, Jorge Linares, and François Varret
pp. 5128-5137 [View PDF (239 kB)]
Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile model around the upper critical dimension
S. Lübeck and K. D. Usadel
pp. 5138-5143 [View PDF (170 kB)]
Statistical theory of finite Fermi systems based on the structure of chaotic eigenstates
V. V. Flambaum and F. M. Izrailev
pp. 5144-5159 [View PDF (419 kB)]
Morphology of early stage phase ordering
N. A. Gross, W. Klein, and K. Ludwig
pp. 5160-5173 [View PDF (453 kB)]
Chaos and Lyapunov exponents in classical and quantal distribution dynamics
Arjendu K. Pattanayak and Paul Brumer
pp. 5174-5177 [View PDF (102 kB)]
Noise-induced transitions in spatially distributed and coupled pendulums
Seon Hee Park, Seunghwan Kim, and Chang Su Ryu
pp. 5178-5182 [View PDF (101 kB)]
Conditional Lyapunov exponents from time series
K. Pyragas
pp. 5183-5188 [View PDF (139 kB)]
Lyapunov exponent, stretching numbers, and islands of stability of the kicked top
V. Constantoudis and N. Theodorakopoulos
pp. 5189-5194 [View PDF (375 kB)]
Ground-state configurations for Toom cellular automata: Experimental hints
Danuta Makowiec
pp. 5195-5203 [View PDF (181 kB)]
Tricriticality and the Blume-Capel model: A Monte Carlo study within the microcanonical ensemble
Markus Deserno
pp. 5204-5210 [View PDF (144 kB)]
Information entropy of complex structures
Clinton DeW. Van Siclen
pp. 5211-5215 [View PDF (119 kB)]
Equation of state for a partially ionized gas
George A. Baker, , Jr.
pp. 5216-5239 [View PDF (438 kB)]
Monte Carlo simulation of an Ising antiferromagnet with competing Glauber and Kawasaki dynamics
B. C. S. Grandi and W. Figueiredo
pp. 5240-5244 [View PDF (113 kB)]
Chaotic one-dimensional harmonic oscillator
Seung-Woo Lee and Hai-Woong Lee
pp. 5245-5250 [View PDF (254 kB)]
Conjugate points in stadium and circle billiards
W. A. Lin and R. V. Jensen
pp. 5251-5256 [View PDF (166 kB)]
Transient solution of the Kramers problem in the weak noise limit
Vitaly A. Shneidman
pp. 5257-5264 [View PDF (186 kB)]
Analysis and observer design in synchronization via a state feedback control method
Yu-Min Liaw and Pi-Cheng Tung
pp. 5265-5271 [View PDF (169 kB)]
Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy for dilute gases in equilibrium
H. van Beijeren, J. R. Dorfman, H. A. Posch, and Ch. Dellago
pp. 5272-5277 [View PDF (143 kB)]
Ground states of two-dimensional polyampholytes
Eilon Brenner and Yacov Kantor
pp. 5278-5283 [View PDF (115 kB)]
Multifractal properties of power-law time sequences: Application to rice piles
Romualdo Pastor-Satorras
pp. 5284-5294 [View PDF (231 kB)]
Nonlinear response theory: Transport coefficients for driving fields of arbitrary magnitude
P. E. Parris, M. Kuś, D. H. Dunlap, and V. M. Kenkre
pp. 5295-5305 [View PDF (210 kB)]
Regularity and reversibility of cascading systems
Scott Pratt and Eric Eslinger
pp. 5306-5309 [View PDF (92 kB)]
Maxwell’s demon as a dynamical model
G. M. Zaslavsky and M. Edelman
pp. 5310-5320 [View PDF (356 kB)]
Nonlinear and chaotic oscillations of an india-rubber band
R. Chacón, P. Suárez, F. Sánchez-Bajo, and P. Muñiz
pp. 5321-5326 [View PDF (164 kB)]
System identification for the Ott-Grebogi-Yorke controller design
Bogdan I. Epureanu and Earl H. Dowell
pp. 5327-5331 [View PDF (197 kB)]
Thermal conductivity in a chain of alternately free and bound particles
D. J. R. Mimnagh and L. E. Ballentine
pp. 5332-5342 [View PDF (241 kB)]
Localization-delocalization transition of a reaction-diffusion front near a semipermeable wall
Bastien Chopard, Michel Droz, Jéro⁁me Magnin, and Zoltán Rácz
pp. 5343-5350 [View PDF (198 kB)]

Classical fluids

Phase defects and spatiotemporal disorder in traveling-wave convection patterns
A. La Porta and C. M. Surko
pp. 5351-5366 [View PDF (2,254 kB)]
Quasihydrodynamics of nanofluid mixtures
Liudmila A. Pozhar. and Keith E. Gubbins
pp. 5367-5396 [View PDF (662 kB)]
Supercooled water and the kinetic glass transition. II. Collective dynamics
Francesco Sciortino, Linda Fabbian, Sow-Hsin Chen, and Piero Tartaglia
pp. 5397-5404 [View PDF (241 kB)]
Front propagation in spatially modulated media
J. Armero, A. M. Lacasta, L. Ramírez-Piscina, J. Casademunt, J. M. Sancho, and F. Sagués
pp. 5405-5412 [View PDF (171 kB)]
Fluctuations in the irreversible decay of turbulent energy
Gregory L. Eyink
pp. 5413-5422 [View PDF (206 kB)]
Quasiperiodic patterns in Rayleigh-Bénard convection under gravity modulation
Ulrike E. Volmar and Hanns Walter Müller
pp. 5423-5430 [View PDF (310 kB)]
Chaotic motion of nonspherical particles settling in a cellular flow field
H. Shin and M. R. Maxey
pp. 5431-5444 [View PDF (291 kB)]
Lévy statistics in Taylor dispersion
Albert Compte and Juan Camacho
pp. 5445-5449 [View PDF (113 kB)]
Dynamics of the rotational degrees of freedom in a supercooled liquid of diatomic molecules
Stefan Kämmerer, Walter Kob, and Rolf Schilling
pp. 5450-5461 [View PDF (322 kB)]
Geometric effects on convective coupling and interfacial structures in bilayer convection
D. Johnson and R. Narayanan
pp. 5462-5472 [View PDF (194 kB)]
Application of extended self-similarity in turbulence
Siegfried Grossmann, Detlef Lohse, and Achim Reeh
pp. 5473-5478 [View PDF (130 kB)]
Distribution of droplets in a turbulent spray
E. A. Novikov and D. G. Dommermuth
pp. 5479-5482 [View PDF (92 kB)]
Inverse cascade and intermittency of passive scalar in one-dimensional smooth flow
M. Chertkov, I. Kolokolov, and M. Vergassola
pp. 5483-5499 [View PDF (330 kB)]
Effective correlation times in turbulent scalar transport
A. Mazzino
pp. 5500-5510 [View PDF (255 kB)]
Bifurcation to oscillations in three-dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard convection
S. Scheel and N. Seehafer
pp. 5511-5516 [View PDF (448 kB)]
Ergodicity, mixing, and time reversibility for atomistic nonequilibrium steady states
Wm. G. Hoover and Oyeon Kum
pp. 5517-5523 [View PDF (144 kB)]
Statistical geometry of particle packings. I. Algorithm for exact determination of connectivity, volume, and surface areas of void space in monodisperse and polydisperse sphere packings
Srikanth Sastry, David S. Corti, Pablo G. Debenedetti, and Frank H. Stillinger
pp. 5524-5532 [View PDF (210 kB)]
Statistical geometry of particle packings. II. “Weak spots” in liquids
Srikanth Sastry, Pablo G. Debenedetti, and Frank H. Stillinger
pp. 5533-5543 [View PDF (286 kB)]
Damping of nearly inviscid water waves
Carlos Martel and Edgar Knobloch
pp. 5544-5548 [View PDF (122 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Scaling theory of critical ultrasonics near the isotropic-to-nematic transition
J. K. Bhattacharjee and R. A. Ferrell
pp. 5549-5552 [View PDF (103 kB)]
Structure and dynamics of solitons in a nematic liquid crystal in a rotating magnetic field
Chun Zheng and Robert B. Meyer
pp. 5553-5560 [View PDF (179 kB)]
Monte Carlo simulation of topological defects in the nematic liquid crystal matrix around a spherical colloid particle
R. W. Ruhwandl and E. M. Terentjev
pp. 5561-5565 [View PDF (142 kB)]
Influence of nematic range on birefringence, heat capacity and elastic modulus near a nematic–smectic-A phase transition
F. Beaubois, T. Claverie, J. P. Marcerou, J. C. Rouillon, H. T. Nguyen, C. W. Garland, and H. Haga
pp. 5566-5574 [View PDF (202 kB)]
High resolution x-ray diffraction study of smectic polymorphism and fluctuations in a mixture of octyl- and decyl-oxyphenyl nitrobenzoyloxy benzoate
Yushan Shi, George Nounesis, Carl W. Garland, and Satyendra Kumar
pp. 5575-5584 [View PDF (268 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Evolution of spatially structured elastic materials using a harmonic density function
M. A. Koenders
pp. 5585-5593 [View PDF (201 kB)]
Entropy-driven demixing in binary hard-core mixtures: From hard spherocylinders towards hard spheres
Marjolein Dijkstra and René van Roij
pp. 5594-5602 [View PDF (184 kB)]
Chain-segment order and dynamics in a grafted polymer melt: A deuterium NMR study
M. Zeghal, B. Deloche, P.-A. Albouy, and P. Auroy
pp. 5603-5614 [View PDF (219 kB)]
Nucleation theorems, the statistical mechanics of molecular clusters, and a revision of classical nucleation theory
I. J. Ford
pp. 5615-5629 [View PDF (250 kB)]
Distribution of the order parameter of the coil-globule transition
J. B. Imbert, A. Lesne, and J. M. Victor
pp. 5630-5647 [View PDF (329 kB)]
Interface dynamics for layered structures
Takao Ohta and David Jasnow
pp. 5648-5658 [View PDF (232 kB)]
Theory for the reorientational dynamics in glass-forming liquids
T. Franosch, M. Fuchs, W. Götze, M. R. Mayr, and A. P. Singh
pp. 5659-5674 [View PDF (351 kB)]
Viscous and capillary pressures during drainage: Network simulations and experiments
S. C. van der Marck, T. Matsuura, and J. Glas
pp. 5675-5687 [View PDF (372 kB)]
Electrohydrodynamic patterns in macroion dispersions under a strong electric field
H. Isambert, A. Ajdari, J-L. Viovy, and J. Prost
pp. 5688-5704 [View PDF (561 kB)]
Interface and chain confinement effects on the glass transition temperature of thin polymer films
J. A. Forrest, K. Dalnoki-Veress, and J. R. Dutcher
pp. 5705-5716 [View PDF (204 kB)]
Measurements of collisional properties of spheres using high-speed video analysis
Laurent Labous, Anthony D. Rosato, and Rajesh N. Dave
pp. 5717-5725 [View PDF (398 kB)]
Linear viscoelastic behavior of aggregated colloidal dispersions
W. Wolthers, D. van den Ende, V. Breedveld, M. H. G. Duits, A. A. Potanin, R. H. W. Wientjes, and J. Mellema
pp. 5726-5733 [View PDF (191 kB)]
Systematic smoothing of constrained interface profiles
C. J. Boulter and J. O. Indekeu
pp. 5734-5737 [View PDF (119 kB)]
Diffusive evolution of stable and metastable phases. I. Local dynamics of interfaces
R. M. L. Evans and M. E. Cates
pp. 5738-5747 [View PDF (192 kB)]
Diffusive evolution of stable and metastable phases. II. Theory of nonequilibrium behavior in colloid-polymer mixtures
R. M. L. Evans and W. C. K. Poon
pp. 5748-5758 [View PDF (213 kB)]
Avalanche dynamics in model two-dimensional grain piles
Surajit Sen and Somnath Pal
pp. 5759-5763 [View PDF (130 kB)]
Dielectric relaxation of glass-forming epoxy resin under high pressure
M. Paluch, J. Zioło, and S. J. Rzoska
pp. 5764-5767 [View PDF (114 kB)]
Deposition-rate effects on rough surfaces formed by sedimenting particles
K. V. McCloud, M. L. Kurnaz, and J. V. Maher
pp. 5768-5771 [View PDF (65 kB)]
Static structure factor of polymerlike micelles: Overall dimension, flexibility, and local properties of lecithin reverse micelles in deuterated isooctane
Götz Jerke, Jan Skov Pedersen, Stefan Ulrich Egelhaaf, and Peter Schurtenberger
pp. 5772-5788 [View PDF (321 kB)]
Dielectric and conduction effects in non-Ohmic electrorheological fluids
C. W. Wu and H. Conrad
pp. 5789-5797 [View PDF (219 kB)]
Molecular dynamics study of the structure organization in a strongly coupled chain of charged particles
Motohiko Tanaka, A. Yu Grosberg, V. S. Pande, and Toyoichi Tanaka
pp. 5798-5808 [View PDF (211 kB)]

Biological physics

Intrinsic modulation of pulse-coupled integrate-and-fire neurons
S. Coombes and G. J. Lord
pp. 5809-5818 [View PDF (216 kB)]
Kinetic model of random DNA cleavage by radiation
W. C. Parke
pp. 5819-5822 [View PDF (91 kB)]
Tempo-induced transitions in polyrhythmic hand movements
R. Engbert, C. Scheffczyk, R. T. Krampe, M. Rosenblum, J. Kurths, and R. Kliegl
pp. 5823-5833 [View PDF (319 kB)]
Dipole interactions in axonal microtubules as a mechanism of signal propagation
J. A. Brown and J. A. Tuszyński
pp. 5834-5840 [View PDF (165 kB)]

Plasma physics

Lower hybrid drift wave in a plasma in the presence of dust particles of variable charge
M. Bose
pp. 5841-5846 [View PDF (110 kB)]
Stochastically stable fluctuations in a model of electrical discharge with external illumination
Lorena Zogaib and Javier E. Vitela
pp. 5847-5857 [View PDF (217 kB)]
Phase-space energy of charged particles with negligible radiation: Proof of spontaneous formation of magnetic structures and new effective forces
Hanno Essén
pp. 5858-5865 [View PDF (173 kB)]
Influence of different coil geometries on the spatial distribution of the plasma density in planar inductively coupled plasmas
A. Schwabedissen, E. C. Benck, and J. R. Roberts
pp. 5866-5875 [View PDF (231 kB)]
Validation of the activity expansion method with ultrahigh pressure shock equations of state
Forrest J. Rogers and David A. Young
pp. 5876-5883 [View PDF (122 kB)]
Alternative principle and method in x-ray diagnostics for plasma electron temperatures
J. Kohagura, T. Cho, M. Hirata, T. Tamano, K. Yatsu, and S. Miyoshi
pp. 5884-5893 [View PDF (199 kB)]
Propagation and stability of intense laser pulses in partially stripped plasmas
P. Sprangle, E. Esarey, and B. Hafizi
pp. 5894-5907 [View PDF (490 kB)]
Computer simulations of H+ and H3+ transport parameters in hydrogen drift tubes
T. Šimko, V. Martišovitš, J. Bretagne, and G. Gousset
pp. 5908-5919 [View PDF (231 kB)]
Temporal and constriction behavior of low-pressure, cathode-dominated argon discharges
Z. Lj. Petrović and A. V. Phelps
pp. 5920-5931 [View PDF (203 kB)]
Nonequilibrium positive column
J. H. Ingold
pp. 5932-5944 [View PDF (232 kB)]
Power enhancement by increasing the initial array radius and wire number of tungsten Z pinches
C. Deeney, T. J. Nash, R. B. Spielman, J. F. Seaman, G. C. Chandler, K. W. Struve, J. L. Porter, W. A. Stygar, J. S. McGurn, D. O. Jobe, T. L. Gilliland, J. A. Torres, M. F. Vargas, L. E. Ruggles, S. Breeze, R. C. Mock, M. R. Douglas, D. L. Fehl, D. H. McDaniel, M. K. Matzen, D. L. Peterson, W. Matuska, N. F. Roderick, and J. J. MacFarlane
pp. 5945-5958 [View PDF (463 kB)]
Spectroscopic investigation of highly transient pinch plasmas
K. Bergmann, O. N. Rosmej, F. B. Rosmej, A. Engel, C. Gavrilescu, W. Neff, and R. Lebert
pp. 5959-5967 [View PDF (345 kB)]
Stability of ionizing shock waves in monatomic gases
M. Mond, I. Rutkevich, and E. Toffin
pp. 5968-5978 [View PDF (186 kB)]
Negative-energy perturbations in cylindrical equilibria with a radial electric field
G. N. Throumoulopoulos and D. Pfirsch
pp. 5979-5989 [View PDF (262 kB)]

Physics of beams

Interference effects on the coupling impedance of many holes in a coaxial beam pipe
S. De Santis, A. Mostacci, and L. Palumbo
pp. 5990-5995 [View PDF (142 kB)]
Normal and anomalous Doppler effects in a dielectric-loaded stripline cyclotron-resonance maser oscillator
M. Einat and E. Jerby
pp. 5996-6001 [View PDF (135 kB)]
Experimental test of coherent betatron resonance excitations
M. Bai, S. Y. Lee, J. W. Glenn, H. Huang, L. Ratner, T. Roser, M. J. Syphers, and W. van Asselt
pp. 6002-6007 [View PDF (130 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Multiply scattered light correlations in an expanded temporal range
V. L. Kuzmin and V. P. Romanov
pp. 6008-6019 [View PDF (249 kB)]
Stability of bound states of pulses in the Ginzburg-Landau equations
V. V. Afanasjev, B. A. Malomed, and P. L. Chu
pp. 6020-6025 [View PDF (135 kB)]
Chern-Simons contribution to the structure of the zero mode of the gauged nonlinear (2+1)-dimensional Schrödinger equation
L. A. Abramyan, V. I. Berezhiani, and A. P. Protogenov
pp. 6026-6032 [View PDF (186 kB)]
Horseshoe chaos in a bistable optical system under a modulated incident field
Majid Taki
pp. 6033-6041 [View PDF (219 kB)]
Propagation and kinetic roughening of wave fronts in disordered lattices
Jan Åström, Markku Kellomäki, Mikko Alava, and Jussi Timonen
pp. 6042-6049 [View PDF (231 kB)]
Kink’s internal modes in the Frenkel-Kontorova model
Oleg M. Braun, Yuri S. Kivshar, and Michel Peyrard
pp. 6050-6064 [View PDF (361 kB)]
Stokes parameters as a Minkowskian four-vector
D. Han, Y. S. Kim, and Marilyn E. Noz
pp. 6065-6076 [View PDF (165 kB)]
Molecular-dynamics simulation of solitary waves in polyethylene
Fei Zhang
pp. 6077-6081 [View PDF (151 kB)]
Spatiotemporal behavior in a φ4 model of lattice dynamics
Afshin Montakhab and Jeremy Levy
pp. 6082-6089 [View PDF (1,227 kB)]
Example of self-averaging in three dimensions: Anderson localization of electromagnetic waves in random distributions of pointlike scatterers
Marian Rusek and Arkadiusz Orłowski
pp. 6090-6094 [View PDF (218 kB)]
Asymptotic analysis of classical wave localization in multiple-scattering random media
Gregory Samelsohn and Reuven Mazar
pp. 6095-6103 [View PDF (197 kB)]
Solitary waves in a chain of beads under Hertz contact
C. Coste, E. Falcon, and S. Fauve
pp. 6104-6117 [View PDF (291 kB)]
Dynamics of stimulated emission from random media
G. A. Berger, M. Kempe, and A. Z. Genack
pp. 6118-6122 [View PDF (136 kB)]
Discreteness and local fields in weakly rarefied media
A. V. Ghiner and G. I. Surdutovich
pp. 6123-6141 [View PDF (358 kB)]
Rayleigh-Ritz procedure for the Zakharov-Shabat system
Marek Jaworski
pp. 6142-6146 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Perturbation theory for the Manakov soliton and its applications to pulse propagation in randomly birefringent fibers
T. I. Lakoba and D. J. Kaup
pp. 6147-6165 [View PDF (360 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Berry’s phase, chaos, and the deformations of Riemann surfaces
Péter Lévay
pp. 6173-6176 [View PDF (121 kB)]
Determination of nucleation rates near the critical point
Larissa V. Bravina and Eugene E. Zabrodin
pp. 6177-6180 [View PDF (88 kB)]

Classical fluids

Experimental study of the evolution of a velocity perturbation in fully developed turbulence
R. Camussi, S. Ciliberto, and C. Baudet
pp. 6181-6184 [View PDF (94 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Flow-induced birefringence in a lyotropic liquid crystal in the isotropic phase: An order diffusion approach
P. R. G. Fernandes and A. M. Figueiredo Neto
pp. 6185-6188 [View PDF (111 kB)]
Pseudomolecular models for nematic liquid crystals
G. Barbero and L. R. Evangelista
pp. 6189-6192 [View PDF (114 kB)]

Plasma physics

Nonlinear Debye-Onsager relaxation effect in weakly ionized plasmas
J. Ortner
pp. 6193-6195 [View PDF (107 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Soliton bistability in triply doped fiber with saturating nonlinearity
Ajit Kumar and Thomas Kurz
pp. 6196-6199 [View PDF (107 kB)]

Computational physics

Effective way for determination of multicanonical weights
Ulrich H. E. Hansmann
pp. 6200-6203 [View PDF (74 kB)]


Comment on “Exact solution of a one-dimensional continuum percolation model”
Luis A. Pugnaloni, Ricardo D. Gianotti, and Fernando Vericat
pp. 6206-6207 [View PDF (67 kB)]
Comment on “Stopping power of nonmonochromatic heavy-ion clusters with two-ion correlation effects”
I. M. Tkachenko, J. L. Muñoz-Cobo, and A. Muñoz
pp. 6208-6210 [View PDF (84 kB)]
Reply to “Comment on ‘Stopping power of nonmonochromatic heavy-ion clusters with two-ion correlation effects’ ”
M. Lontano and F. Raimondi
pp. 6211-6212 [View PDF (72 kB)]


Erratum: Particle simulation of Lyapunov exponents in one-component strongly coupled plasmas [Phys. Rev. E 55, 3439 (1997)]
Y. Ueshima, K. Nishihara, D. M. Barnett, T. Tajima, and H. Furukawa
pp. 6214 [View PDF (47 kB)]